dissolved, abolished or demolished date الإنجليزية (P576)

من Marefa data
point in time at which the subject (organisation, building) ceased to exist; see "date of official closure" (P3999) for closing a facility, "service retirement" (P730) for retiring equipment, "discontinued date" (P2669) for stopping a product الإنجليزية
اللغة التسمية الوصف أسماء أخرى
لم تُضف التسمية
لا يوجد وصف
    dissolved, abolished or demolished date
    point in time at which the subject (organisation, building) ceased to exist; see "date of official closure" (P3999) for closing a facility, "service retirement" (P730) for retiring equipment, "discontinued date" (P2669) for stopping a product

      نوع البيانات

      نقطة زمنية


      Wikidata property الإنجليزية
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