associated electoral district الإنجليزية (P7938)

من Marefa data
constituencies/electoral districts in which a place is located or is part of. If a municipality/county is split into or part of several districts: add several values. Use only if distinct from administrative entities (P131) in predefined countries الإنجليزية
اللغة التسمية الوصف أسماء أخرى
لم تُضف التسمية
لا يوجد وصف
    associated electoral district
    constituencies/electoral districts in which a place is located or is part of. If a municipality/county is split into or part of several districts: add several values. Use only if distinct from administrative entities (P131) in predefined countries

      نوع البيانات



      Wikidata property الإنجليزية
      ٠ مرجع