unit without standard conversion to SI الإنجليزية (Q153415)

من Marefa data
unit or class of units that can have various definitions and can't be converted to SI units with a single conversion factor. If some of the units in this class can be converted to SI units, specific items should be made for them. الإنجليزية
اللغة التسمية الوصف أسماء أخرى
لم تُضف التسمية
لا يوجد وصف
    unit without standard conversion to SI
    unit or class of units that can have various definitions and can't be converted to SI units with a single conversion factor. If some of the units in this class can be converted to SI units, specific items should be made for them.


      Wikidata item الإنجليزية
      ٠ مرجع
      subclass of الإنجليزية
      ١ مراجع
      Imported from Wikidata item الإنجليزية
      facet of الإنجليزية